"My journey from Hollywood Nobody to someone who get's paid to do this sort of thing."

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Deadline Approaches

The script for The Projectionist is due on Tuesday, and I'm almost done. Got the climax to write, which one might think is the hard part, but I've known how this film ends since before I knew how it began. I'll have this done before tomorrow afternoon--I'm stoked--and will be able to take tomorrow night to chill out and relax before turning it in to the firing squad tomorrow.

So, tomorrow, I'll be able to change my desktop to this:

'Cause you can't have enough Death Proof in your life.


I'm looking forward to hearing what my teachers have to say about the script...other than it sucks, cause it's a first draft...and well...first drafts always suck. LOL

I'll get over it though.

~T² out

1 comment:

i_am_sassylady said...

you REALLY can't have enough Death Proof in your life. I'm glad you said that, TB