"My journey from Hollywood Nobody to someone who get's paid to do this sort of thing."

Monday, July 21, 2008


The script is progressing. However, in my infinite wisdom--or rather, lack thereof--I've rewritten the beginning of the film entirely. Don't worry. The ninja fight is still there, I just moved it to a better location, and threw in one of several Coen Brother's references.

I also created a new wallpaper to help remind me that the script isn't finished:

It's been successful so far.

Bought Hot Fuzz the other day and have been watching the Living Daylights out of it. (Dalton joke, ha ha ha.)

Anyway, felt I needed to blog since I was going to try and blog daily. I've been failing miserably at that, but you know...it's a work in progress.

~T² out

1 comment:

April said...

You should blog more!! I like reading them!! :)