"My journey from Hollywood Nobody to someone who get's paid to do this sort of thing."

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Today's Meeting...

Met with Christopher today...and things are getting worse...LOL

Not really...it's just the owners of the bar we're using are being a little fidgety...I'm worried we might lose the location at the last minute. In which case...I'll have to come up with a plan B.

Anywho...my Assistant Director is in Vegas and won't be in town until the 3rd day of shooting...so I'll be doing double duty for the first two days. But that'll be fine, as I'm used to doing everything--including camera op--but I hope to have a camera operator for this film...waiting on a couple of people to get back to me on that one. (Everything out here is all, "I'll let you know," and then they never let you know until it's the last possible moment. GERRRR!)

Anyway, I'm going email my shot list to my AD tonight and buy all of my props tomorrow. Should be fun.

Here's my very rough, very cheesy directing reel that I made from all of the blocking assignments I've done at school...it's not great, but...it's a start, and some sort of visual style should be visible. LOL

Please note that the email address in the video...is not one that I check. So if you want to email me...click the little email me button at the top-left of this page. ;)

~T² out

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